Instructions to Skitunäs guests

Skitunäs villa has a pool-table on the loft. Also beds for 5

Skitunäs villa insturctions. Accommodation to max. 12 people

Skitunäs villa is best for 10-12 people and the basic rental price includes accommodation for up to 12 people. At Skitunäs villa we also have some spare mattresses on the loft and there are two large sofas in the living room that can also accommodate people if needed. When the number of guests exceeds 12 people, an additional 25 euros will be charged per extra person per day.

Accommodation and living spaces

  • 3 x bedrooms + a sleeping alcove above sauna
  • A mezzanine with beds and a pool-table
  • A livingroom with a fireplace
  • Pillows and duvets in beds
  • Bed linen and towels 15 €/person
  • sauna
  • 2 x toilet

Kitchen facilities

  • Cutlery and dishes x 12
  • Wine glasses
  • Owen and microwave oven
  • A full size fridge-freezer
  • Coffee maker and a kettle
  • Toaster

Seaside sauna for rent

Skitunäs Villa has a small wood-heated cottage sauna included in the rental price of the cottage. There is also a separate wood-heated sauna right by the sea, which can be rented separately all year round. More information about the seaside sauna here.

Final cleaning 160-220 € and Bed linen and towels at 20 € per person

Final cleaning and bed linen and towels are not automatically included in the rental price of the Skitunäs rental villa. The customer can clean themselves or order final cleaning from us. If you clean yourself, please read the cleaning instructions carefully in the cleaning services link below.

For final cleaning there are two different cleaning services to choose from; basic cleaning and full cleaning. Bed linen and towels can also be booked from us. Linen set rental is 20e / person. Learn more about cleaning services and linen here

Skitunäs villa is located in Pyhtää, Skitunäsintie 272 D

Drive the E18 road towards Kotka. From the highway take the Pyhtää kk exit number 70 and drive towards Pyhtää church. After Pyhtää center turn left to Pirtnuora road. The road continues to a bridge that crosses over the E18 road. Drive this road about 3.0 kilometers, and turn left in the direction of Skitunäsintie. Continue 2.8 kilometers and then turn right down towards the sea. At this junction there is a sign “Kotteria” and the number “272”. The boom by this junction can be closed or open. If it is closed, you can find the key in the key-safe where you can find all the keys to the villa. After the boom drive about 100 meters down towards the sea and you’ll  see the Kotteria dark log villa in front of you, slightly on the left hand side. (On the Right hand side there is Karhulan lasi villa with a sign.) More info about the driving instructions here

The bus from Helsinki stops at Pyhtää church. The distance from Pyhtää church to the cottage is about 6.7 kilometers. If you come to Pyhtää by bus, you can ask a taxi to take you to the cottage. The telephone number for Kymenlaakso taxi is 0100 87 227.

Passenger registration forms

All tenants must fill in a passenger registration form. You can find instructions and passenger registration forms from the cottage living room, usually from below the television. When you leave, please leave passenger registration forms on the dining table. If you want, you can also print the registration form from this link (Matkustajailmoitus ) and send it scanned to us at

WiFi and electricity

  • There is a wireless internet at the cottage (3G/4G)
  • Sometimes there are electricity outages at Skitunäs villa due to a storm. If a power failure occurs, the WiFi device might loose connection to the network. In this case turn off the devices for about 5 minutes, and then turn it on again to establish a connection. The password is not needed. The WiFi device can be found in the kitchen overhead cabinet.
  • You can monitor the electricity distribution situation on KSOY Häiriönetti/Faultnet, which operates in real time.  In the Online service, you also see in detail the fault information affecting your own electricity metering point. You can report power cuts to KSOY energy at +3585 7780 222

Heating control and air-conditioning

In order to save energy while the villa has no quests, we drop the room temperatures to 10 degrees. There is a heating control switch in the entrance hall. This switch adjusts the room temperature, so please switch on to “at home” position (kotona) upon arrival in order to heat the cottage. Please switch to “not home” (poissa) position when you leave.

At the cottage we also have a air source heat pump in the living-room. When arriving to the villa during a cool season please turn on the device and adjust the room temperature to +21 degrees. The air source heat pump heats when a sun-symbol is selected from the remote control MODE functions. When leaving the cottage (in wintertime) please adjust the air conditioned back to +16 degrees.

You can use the air-conditioner in the summertime to cool down the room temperature if needed. But please never cool the room temperature with the air conditioning device when you have fire in the fireplace. Good cooling temerature is +25 degrees. Then the air does not feel too cold and you do not need to adjust the temperature all the time.

In the main building toilet there is an exhaust fan with a motion detector. The fan will turn on automatically when someone enters the toilet and the fan will be turned off automatically after some time.

Washing machines, water and wastewater

  • The kitchen has a dishwasher and a washing machine. Before using the machines please open the washing machine taps, so that the machines gets water in. The washing machine “pyykinpesukoneen hana” water supply is opened at the bottom of the kitchen tap. Please close the tap after use.
  • The toilet in the shower room has a special toilet seat with a ripping pump. All toilet waters are ripped and pumped to a tank with an electrical pump. Please note that it is not allowed to throw anything else to the toilet bin than human waste. Plastic and for example sanitary napkins will break the waste pump system.
  • In emergencies, water supply can be closed down from the water pump switch “vesipumpun katkaisin” that is located near the kitchen window outside the cottage.
  • If water does not run, it is possible that the incoming water pipe has frozen. In that case turn the water pipe heating on from the switch located on the long kitchen wall outside the building. Switch is next to the electrical cabinet
  • If the cold water is warm/hot for a while when you start running the water from the tap, it is possible that the water pipe heating is left on. In that case turn the heating on from the switch located on the long kitchen wall outside the building. Switch is next to the electrical cabinet
  • The Skitunäs cottage has a drilled borehole well which was tested on 24.05.2024. The fluoride content of the tested water sample is 6.7 mg/l and it exceeds the maximum concentration limit of 1.5 mg/l given in the domestic water quality requirements. In addition, a 3/100ml amount of coliform bacteria was found in the water, which is a sign of surface water entering the borehole. The examined water sample meets the quality requirements set for household water in terms of the microbiological tests carried out, but not the quality recommendation (STM regulation 401/2001). If needed, you can get drinking water from Pyhtä’s ABC service station.
    If you wish, you can bring the drinking water with you for your stay. For the test result please see the Vesinäyte2024 (PDF)

Fire safety and smoking

  • Smoking inside the cottage is strictly prohibited. Please place fag-ends in ashtrays and finally into the trash-bin.
  • Firewood is available in the warehouse next to the warehouse. For making the fire you can use newspaper and small sticks. The use of flammable liquids to light fireplaces is strictly prohibited.
  • There are at least two smoke detectors in the cottage. If the smoke detector battery runs out, the detector will keep beep-sound at short intervals. In this case please replace the battery. Spare batteries can be found in living-room cupboard. If you can not find a new battery, please leave the smoke detector on the table.
  • The cottage has at least one fire extinguisher. There is also a fire extinguishing blanket in the kitchen. Please check the location of fire-fighting equipment immediately upon arrival at the cottage
  • The living room fireplace does not have a damper. In sauna the damper is above the stove. Please pull the damper open before setting the fire to the stove. In order to improve the burning process and to allow enough air in, please remember to empty the ashes from the stove and from the fireplace.
  • Do not close the stove flue damper too soon after using the stove in order to avoid carbon monoxide hazard. When the embers begin to wane and blue flames can no longer be seen, you can close the damper a little. Only after the embers have completely burned out, the damper can be closed completely.
  • After using the fireplaces in sauna and in the living room please empty the ashes into the aluminium bucket which is by sauna door. If this bucket is full, please empty it into the forest. Please also carry firewood to sauna and to the front of the fireplace after use.

Gas grill and barbecue hut

There is a gas grill on the terrace of the cottage. The use of the gas grill is always the customer’s responsibility. The condition of the grill must be checked before use. Never leave the grill unattended while using the grill.

Before using the grill, make sure that the gas hose is attached to the gas cylinder. If the gas bottle is not detached, place the pressure regulator (“painesäädin” pictured above) on top of the gas bottle and lift black plastic collar with your fingers while pressing it on top of the bottle, then press the collar down with your fingers. Make sure that the bottle is properly closed by lifting the bottle from the pressure regulator (when well attached, the bottle rises with it and does not come loose). Once the pressure regulator is attached, open the gas inlet valve from the pressure regulator. There are also videos and photo instructions online if you don’t succeed right away.

Once the gas bottle is attached, open the grill lid and turn the first switch of the grill to full power (left) and wait a couple of seconds for the gas to accumulate into the ignition chamber. Then press the ignition button by pressing the switch lightly down and turning it to the left. If the lighter does not work, lift up one of the grill grids and throw a burning match on the right front edge of the grill.

There is a spare gas bottle in the shed or in the garage. Please let us know if you use a spare gas bottle so that we can bring a new bottle to the cottage at the next inspection.

In the yard there is a log-wood barbecue hut with open fire place. The hut has only small windows and dusky atmosphere. There are sheepskins on the benches so the hut is also ideal for wintertime use.

By the sea there is a separate barbecue terrace with a fireplace. If you want to use charcoal in this fireplace, please bring your own barbecue coals.

Remember to empty the ashes from the campfires into the ash bucket after use.

Waste management

  • At Skitunäs villa there is waste container for mixed waste and a separate container for bottles and for cans. Please pack your waste tightly, the waste container will be emptied once a week and sometimes twise a month depending on the season. Also please close the container lid carefully to avoid animals from getting into the container.
  • If possible, recycle your paper, glass, metal and cardboard packages to save the nature. The closest recycling station for paper, cardboard, glass and metal packages is found at the Pyhtää ABC parking lot behind the ABC building. There is another recycling station in the Prisma parking lot in Kotka. The address is Hakamäentie 1. The recycling station is only 19 kilometers from the cottage, only about 15 minutes by the car.

Audio and video

  • At Skitunäs villa we have a stereo TV with HDMI and Scart connection.

Detergents, paper and accessories

  • Dishwasher detergent and hand dish-washing detergent can be found in the kitchen and in the dressing room cupboard and drawers.
  • Liquid soap for washing hands can be found in the toilet and in the dressing room cupboard and drawers.
  • Laundry detergent, shower soap and shampoo might be available. Other customers often leave detergents, but unfortunately we can not guarantee the availability.
  • In the dressing room drawers we have spare light bulbs, clothes pegs and a mousetrap.
  • Toilet paper and kitchen towels can be found in the toilet and in the kitchen and sometimes also on the loft shelf. If you come with a larger group for a longer period of time, please take some extra papers with you in case there is not enough paper in the cottage.

Electrical mouse repellent

  • At Skitunäs villa we have ultrasound mouse repellent devices attached in the power sockets from autumn to spring . Man does not hear them, but dogs or cats may be disturbed by them. If you remove the device from use during your stay, please connect devices before you leave.

A baby cot

The cottage has a children’s travel cot on the loft next to the pool-table. To put the travel cot to sleeping position, press the long sides down first, then the short ends and then the bottom. When stacking the bed in the storage position, the order is reversed.

To be done before check out

  • Follow the cleaning instructions and clean the cottage. If you ordered one of our cleaning services from us (basic cleaning or full cleaning), make sure that you have organized the cottage according to the instructions. More info about cleaning at the attached cleaning services link.
  • Take the garbage to the garbage bin.
  • Wash the gas grill and clean the barbecue areas. Empty the ashes from campfire sites to the ash bucket
  • Tidy the yard
  • Check the boat mooring (summertime).
  • Turn off the lights, close the windows, lock the doors and leave the keys in their original locations.
  • Turn the temperature switch in the entrance hall to “not home” position (poissa)

Customer service

We want to keep the cottage clean and in impeccable condition. If you notice any defects or you have suggestions for improvement, please contact us. You can call or email us at

+358415345100 Pentti Kotiaho +358400534269 Minna Kotiaho

Suomen Kotteria Oy, Skitunäs villa, Skitunäsintie 272, 49270 Pyhtää.