Driving to Kivikoski

Karttakuva ajoreitistä Kivikosken vuokramökille


Driving instructions to Kivikoski cottage

Kivikoski rental cottage is located in Pyhtää at Strukantie 30, 49270 PYHTÄÄ. Drive the E18/E7 highway from Helsinki towards Kotka (or from Hamina towards Helsinki). Exit the motorway at junction 70 (Pyhtää KK) and drive up the ramp to the roundabout. Turn south, the opposite direction from Pyhtää KK. (If coming from Helsinki-direction, turn right. If coming from Kotka-direction, turn left). Drive to the gravel-road number 3503 and continue 580 meters. Turn right and continue the Strukantie dirt road for about 650 meters. The Kivikoski cottage is a grey logwood villa on your left hand side. On the yard there is also a sleeping-hut and a red warehouse.

The nearest bus from Helsinki or from Kotka stops at Pyhtää church (Pyhtää kk). The distance from Pyhtää church to Kivikoski cottage along Annulantie is about 1 km. If you come by bus Pyhtää, you can also ask for a taxi to the cottage from Kymenlaakso taxi companies. The telephone number is 0100 87 227.

Kivikoski cottage, Savantum Oy. Strukantie 30, 49270 Pyhtää. Minna Kotiaho +358400534269, Pentti Kotiaho +358415345100